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» » » Pawan Kalyan reached demigod stature

Pawan Kalyan reached demigod stature

Pawan Kalyan is one of the very few stars who earned as many fans with personal character as with the characters played on screen. People who watched him closely hail him as the best person they have ever come across. As Bandla Ganesh said, Pawan Kalyan is an addiction for few of them. Some people consider him as Demi God.

Pavala Syamala, a veteran junior artiste says that she would have been dead by now if not for Pawan Kalyan's kindness. Syamala did a small role in Pawan's Suswagatham movie and when she was suffering from fatal illness, she tried to meet him for help. When she went to the shooting spot, no one allowed her to meet Pawan Kalyan.

The star noticed that Syamala is being stopped by the unit members, he himself went to her and enquired about her problem. When she told of the illness, Powerstar immediately transferred 1 lakh rupees to her bank account. Syamala has been cured with the money and is hale and healthy now. Hats off to Powerstar!  

In her words about Power Star, Watch Video :

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