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» » » Ramu Vs. Sanjay: J J Rubbing, Ash Falling

Ramu Vs. Sanjay: J J Rubbing, Ash Falling

Both these veterans are busy blaming each other for the poor show of their latest collaboration, the dud 'Department'.  But, do they have that real status in t-town at the moment to talk about movies?

Every celebrity and creator reaches to a saturation point and they should not do 'over action' after crossing such a line. But Ram Gopal Varma is still sticking around those hits he had made a decade back to sell his fruits again and again. This time 'Department' is rated as queen of duds taking a knock at the filmmaker's senseless 'rogue' methodology. Rather talking about the worst story he has ever shot, Ramu is busy taking pot shots at Sanjay Dutt and Abhishek Bachchan as if a change in the actor would have made this project a blockbuster. 

On the other hand, Sanjay Dutt, who is not even having a single flick in his hand, is saying that he'll never act in Ramu's movie again. These two celebrities are trying to get some publicity to their miserable movie 'Department', but nothing beyond that. Well, we can say one thing now, 'Jogi Jogi Rubbing. Ash Falling'. No one can save RGV, Sanjay and their Department.

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