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» » » » » » » » » Allu Arjun To Decide Harish Sankar After Ramayya Vastavayya Movie Release

How come Young Tiger NTR will decide the next movie of stylish hero Allu Arun? Yes, for every reaction in film industry there should be a prominent action first. Check this story.

Allu Arjun is right now busy wrapping up the last leg of production for his latest movie 'Race Gurram'. Talented Surender Reddy is helming this project and is taking utmost care to make it a brilliant action-comedy. But what is the next movie of Bunnny after this flick? It is no surprise, big directors will always wait with candles in eyes for Bunny, but what matters is whom he picks.

Already director Gopichand Malineni has narrated a story to Bunny, and the story is getting improvised under Kona Venkat's supervision now. If the final output is okay, then our stylish star will proceed. Otherwise, he is having the script narrated by director Harish Shankar in hand. But he is going to take a final decision once he watches Ramayya Vastavayya, say sources.
That means the performance of NTR's Ramayya Vastavayya at Box office will decide about Allu Arjun's next. Stay connected for updates. 

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