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» » » » » Music director's open letter stuns Film Industry!

It's not just actress Kavitha who has been neglected and not invited for the South's 100 years of Indian Cinema celebrations. What's shocking is Tollywood's renowned music director, later turned into actor and who recently turned into director, RP Patnaik was too victim of not being invited for the grand gala function.

Taking it very seriously, unlike shedding tears like Kavitha, RP Patnaik has written an open letter to film fraternity and organizers of centenary celebrations.

May I know what is the eligibility required to get an invitation to attend 100 years celebration of Indian cinema happening in Chennai? I'm told that there are 600 people participating from Telugu cinema. Are you sure I'm not supposed to be among those in the list? 

For Your Information:

1. I'm the Honorary President of Cine Musicians Union

2. Member of the AP Film Chamber

3. Member of the AP Directors Union

4. Nearly 40 films to my credits as a music director, 4 films as a writer Director, 3 films as an actor, nearly 200 films as a singer. 

5. I'm a Singer, Music Director, Actor, Writer, Director and Producer. 

6. Worked with almost all the major production houses and Heroes. 

7. Won the state govt. Nandi award 3 times as a Music Director and Writer.

8. My film Broker was short listed for the Finals in the National Awards from TFI for the year 2010. 

9. Above all, dedicated my life only for the cinema."

Looks like, RP was so furious and venting his anger through this letter. Yet there are many more in the industry who are not coming out in open. Definitely, 100 years of Indian Cinema celebrations once again showcased the differences among Telugu film fraternity. 

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