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» » » » » » Atharintiki Dharedi Piracy Leaked By Anti Fans

Earlier there has a piracy but it came after the release of the movie, now for ‘Athariniki Dharedi’ has faced a different situation. Before the release of that movie the piracy CD’s has come out and made a disaster to the entire team of that movie. According to the report we got, it’s started from Chennai. Post-production team is the main culprit of this, for his friends staying in US, he uploaded that to Youtube and then after it was passed to a anti-hero fan residing in Eluru. There he downloaded this video from a desktop and burned that to CD’s and sold there.
Many more getting arrested on the issue of “Atharintiki Dharedi” released piracy. Recently two persons in Machilipatnam were having been arrested for downloading and uploading this content illegally. And many more IP addresses have been tracked and needed action will be taken on them too.
Entire Telugu Film industry opened their eyes and getting alerted to eradicate these type of issues in the future. With the release of the pirated CD’s before the release date of the movie with a high quality video, this gave a wakeup call to the film industry.
Due to increase in the technology and that too in digital media this made easy to transfer this quite easy. Most of the movies are taking the help of the outsourcing teams, the third party editing labs to complete their work faster and easier. This has brought this issue yesterday.
AP Film Chamber asked the help of Police officials. With a high end access control, the firms who handle these digital content will be monitored closely and will make a tougher security.

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