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» » » » » » Prakash Raj In Two Hollywood Movies

Versatile actor Prakash Raj is quite busy these days after he proved his mettle in Hindi movies. Apart from being regular protagonist on Telugu and Tamil screens, he is now much needed break for Bollywood biggies too. Here comes another feather in his cap.

In fact, reports say that Prakash Raj is actually committing to two Hollywood movies but not just one. In an upcoming movie being directed by Steven Spielberg, our versatile actor is actually playing a key role, say sources. Spielberg's movie is based on a story set in the backdrop of India-Pakistan border. In another movie which happens to be a cinematic version of novel written by Vikas Swarup of 'Slumdog Millionaire' fame (his novel Q&A is adopted as that movie), Prakash Raj is playing a crucial role too. The book is titled 'Six Suspects' and we have to see what will be title of movie.

However when contacted about these two Hollywood entries, Prakash Raj stated that he can't speak anything about them until he signs them formally. Means, the projects are on!

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