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Ram Charan lost charm in his face due to excessive workouts and six pack abs that reflected in Toofan film. He got bad reviews for stiff looks and the young actor is quick to react. He has already put on few kilos and is looking good now. He is trying to come up with a rugged look in his new film.

Ram Charan is going to appear in a beard and spiked up hair in his next movie. He has already done a photo shoot to get the feedback about this look. Fans who saw a glimpse of Charan's new look are saying that his look is similar to that of Chiranjeevi's in Gangleader. Interestingly, Charan is playing a role that is similar to Gangleader in his next film, which will be directed by Krishna Vamsi.

This film is a family drama with enough commercial elements. Venkatesh will play Ram Charan's brother in this movie. Kajal is expected to team up with Charan in this untitled film. The shooting will start off in November and the movie will release in coming summer.

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